Ad Age's Digital Marketing Guide dispenses advice on getting people to like a brand on Facebook. But even if people like the brand, are they really fans? What makes a Facebook brand fan treat that brand as a lovemark?
- But the number of people who like a brand doesn't directly translate to the number of impressions that a brand makes with its posts. And, of course, not all likes are created equal.
Some brands have been able to grow their Facebook pages virally without the use of paid ad placement leading users to their pages, but they're the exception rather than the rule. Coca-Cola, the brand whose page boasts more likes than any other on the platform, didn't earn all 22-million-plus of its fans without a little prodding -- and it is one of the most iconic brands there is. "Most people aren't actively looking for brands on Facebook," Mr. Ringrose said. "You would never go, 'Hmm, I wonder what Skittles is doing?' Or "What's that weird organic coffee brand up to?' It's more about putting it under users' noses. 'Do you like this brand?' 'Yes, I do.'"
A common misstep marketers make is not properly leveraging Facebook's ad-targeting tools to achieve a more efficient media buy, Mr. Ringrose said.
Michael Lazerow, CEO of the software and services firm Buddy Media, which works to help some of the biggest brands, such as Target, grow and manage their Facebook pages, said the ultimate approach to building a following is a more holistic approach that lies at the intersection of paid media and earned reach.
This differs by brand (as do the habits of users who follow them) but Roger Katz, CEO of the social-media firm Friend2Friend, said giving your fans genuine reasons to engage with your content and pass it along to their own friends is the holy grail of social-media success.
"When a brand has a fan, they are one step away from all of that fan's friends. That next step is an incredible opportunity, but it's also a challenge." He said when it comes to getting your fans to help spread your content, it has to be because your fans genuinely want to spread the word -- and usually that isn't because you shouted at them, spammed them or gave them a coupon. "People like experiences, and when they have them, they talk about them and share them. Getting users to propagate their own messages to their friends about your brand is where the magic is," he said
Most experts agree that while the number of likes associated with a page is a clear and easy way to measure its influence, it is not the most-telling number. In fact, when you consider the number of impressions your posts are actually getting (once you factor in how may of those fans have hidden brand page updates on their feeds or might miss your post in the clutter) the number of impressions you're actually achieving is much closer to half of how many fans you have. Mr. Ringrose even estimates that the unique impression rate on a post can average as low as 20%.
And then there's the all-important question of engagement. "If you have a million likes on your page, and only 10 people are actually engaging, we don't call that a successful page," Mr. Lazerow said. "It all depends on what each brand wants to do. There's nothing wrong with wanting a large fan base, but what are your goals?"
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Monday, February 28, 2011
How Do I Get People to Like My Brand on Facebook?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Why do you play?
Are you a gamer? If so, you might fit into one of these types - achievers, explorers, socializers, or killers. With social games increasing in popularity, I wonder - are social gamers also socializers? or are achievers, explorers, and killers also represented among the population of social gamers?
tags: game-based marketing game motives advergaming social games smm
- Achievers: Want to win a game as thoroughly as possible.
- Explorers: Want to see everything the game has to offer and experiment with it as much as they can.
- Socializers: Want to meet and cooperate with other players, with the game serving to facilitate that interaction.
- Killers: Want to win the game, but they also want to see others lose. Zichermann argues that even these players can make positive contributions to a game’s community if they are given proper ways to explore this desire.
Zichermann then pointed to the work of British researcher Richard Bartle, who divides gamers into four distinct categories based on their motivations for playing:
Monday, February 21, 2011
Who Should Own Pitched Ideas? Sears Seeks to Own Ad-Pitch Ideas
Who Should Own Pitched Ideas? Sears Seeks to Own Ad-Pitch Ideas
Who should own ideas? The creator or the source of funding? The funding often times wins, but in news of Sears' agency review, the company is going a step farther - requiring that ideas pitched during the review belong to Sears (even if the agency doesn't get the business). Agency competitors have pulled out, unwilling to sacrifice the investment they would make in the review without a client relationship. Is this the start of a new trend?
tags: advertising review agency pitch ideas ownership Sears
- Who would turn down the opportunity to work on an iconic retail brand that spent nearly $500 million last year and ranked No. 22 among all U.S. megabrands in 2009? How about Omnicom Group's DDB Worldwide and TBWA Worldwide; Interpublic Group of Cos.' Deutsch; and Publicis Groupe's Leo Burnett Worldwide, all of which are snubbing Sears, Roebuck & Co.
- The reason is simple: Sears is demanding that participants relinquish ownership of materials and ideas they present during the review -- even if they don't win the business. That demand is so unpalatable that agencies are opting out -- and Sears stands to lose out, unless an enterprising agency can convince it to waive the requirement specifically for them.
- In some reviews, agencies have been compensated with a nominal amount of cash -- say, $25,000 or $50,000 -- but even that is hard for shops to stomach, as it can cost multiples of that to prepare for a review.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Question design - FAIL (Alison's exploding brain)
One Million Heineken Hugs
Heineken knows engagement. After Facebook fans delivered 1 million likes to the brand, Heineken showed its mutual affection with in-person hugs. Social done right doesn't replace the personal relationship, but enhances the relationship.