Because most users view Top News rather than Recent News in their newsfeeds, brand messages are less visible. This is because Top News shows the news feed of those with whom each user interacts with most frequently. If you like a brand but don't continue to interact with the brand's page, the brand messages won't show up in your news feed.
This is good for Facebook users who want to see the most relevant updates in their feeds. But its bad for brands who are trying to engage people in a dialogue. At least it is a limitation until the dialogue is there.
Facebook's answer for brands - sponsored stories. Reactions? How will you feel about seeing paid ad placements in your news feed?
- As you might have heard, Facebook recently announced the launch of sponsored stories, a new ad product that will allow marketers to insert certain user updates into paid advertisements.
This is yet another blurring of the line between paid and earned media. But its another signal that because brands are stumbling in their quest to be heard on the world's most popular social network
- Facebook actually attempted to correct this with the recent rollout of the "Top News" vs. "Recent News" system. "Top News" features the news and updates from your friends that Facebook's secret Edgerank algorithm thinks you will be most interested in. And since it is the default view of a user's Facebook page, a brand's presence within a user's "Top News" is as good as gold
- "Recent News," on the other hand, is fast becoming the spam folder of Facebook. This is where you will find an overflow of updates from "friends" with whom you rarely interact or whose news simply isn't that popular. More and more, this is where branded updates are appearing.
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